TU Delft is a world leader in traffic and transport research. Within the transport & planning department, the Delft Integrated Traffic & Travel Laboratory (DITTLab), is renowned for its data fusion and analysis and traffic modelling expertise across the entire domain of traffic and transport. This knowledge allows TU Delft to take on a role in the project with a focus on data processing, fusion, geo-mapping and evaluation to translate both data patterns and transport theory into solid semantics for application in the developed framework. Furthermore, our knowledge of public transport systems and modelling allows us to focus development towards a combined system and user optimum as part of the travel advice tasks.

ATTIKO METRO is a metro infrastructure provider commissioned 37 underground kilometers and 41 stations in Athens. Its activities as an end-user in My-TRAC relate to: (a) ‘User- centred behaviour and analysis’ investigating PT user and operator needs, (b) ‘My-Travel Companion development and integration’ evaluating user input & operator requirements towards extending PT services and user experience, (c) organising a pilot for PT users and operators in Athens while coordinating and implementing all pilot stages (preparation, organisation, execution, post-pilot analysis), (d) project dissemination through scientific papers to be presented in congresses.

The Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) is the largest research Centre in northern Greece. Our mission is to carry out basic and applied research with special emphasis upon exploiting research results and developing new products and services with industrial, economic and social impact. In 2012, CERTH ranked first among all research centers in Greece regarding absorbed funding from the FP7-ICT Program during the period 2007-2011.
CERTH participates in My-TRAC with 2 institutes: • Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT), the Greek National Institute for the promotion of Transport Research and Policy support.• Information Technologies Institute (ITI) one of the leading Institutions of Greece in the fields of Informatics, Telematics and Telecommunications.

UITP is the global advocate of public transport and sustainable mobility, and the promoter of innovations in the sector. It is a platform for worldwide cooperation, business development and the sharing of know-how between its 1,400 Companies member from 96 countries. Today UITP includes, in addition to the Brussels Head Quarter, 15 Regional and Liaison Offices around the world. UITP contribute to the Pilots work package and will be leading the working package on Communication and Exploitation. UITP draws back to its extensive experience with European level research and development activities in the mobility sector and in relation to its large network of stakeholders in urban mobility leading the communication and exploitation activities

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) is, with more than 2.000 researchers and 30.000 students, the top technical University in Southern Europe (according to the SCIMAGO Ranking 2013). UPC is a leading research university in the areas of ICTs, Architecture, Industrial and Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Environment, Energy and Natural Resources. It aims at fostering the improvement of educational and research activities. As of January 2014, UPC is involved in 151 FP7 projects (of which 35 are coordinated) and has a long track of successfully coordinated projects. The Data Management group (DAMA-UPC, www.dama.upc.edu) is part of the Computer Architecture Department of UPC. It is formed by 10 doctors, engineers and PhD students who work in different projects in collaboration with different national and international institutions and companies. DAMA-UPC has coordinated the FP7 project LDBC (www.ldbcouncil.org), it is partner of projects IT2Rail (www.it2rail.eu), CoherentPaaS (www.coherentpaas.eu), SOMATCH (www.somatch.eu) and was partner of Tetracom (www.tetracom.eu)

EXPERIS IT is a dedicated business unit of ManpowerGroup – a world leader in talent management services for more than 60 years, and a recognized pioneer in the industry. EXPERIS IT accelerates business growth and careers by intensely attracting, assessing and placing specialized expertise offering advanced services based in talent. Aware of the increasing technological gap that the IT labour market has been experiencing for the last few years, EXPERIS IT strategy inside Media & Telco Division is based in the acquisition of edge technology capabilities which allow to train qualified professionals fitting the requirements of a market in continuous change. The main contributions of EXPERIS IT will be in WP4 helping in the construction of an accessible and user-centred interface and in WP5 collaborating in My-TRAC platform implementation, developing the added value services system and contributing in the whole My-TRAC platform integration authentication, auditing and Smart Transactions.

The BISITE group (Bioinformatics, Intelligent Systems, Educational Technology) of the University of Salamanca (Spain) brings together a group of multidisciplinary researchers, from several countries, who are primarily interested in the development and application of intelligent computer systems to various types of problems. The wide range of member’s profiles of the BISITE group (computer scientists, biologists, pharmacists, physicists, oceanographers and economists), provides the ability to work on a wide variety of projects, both national and international. In My-TRAC, BISITE will develop a social machine for affective computing to model and predict travellers’ choices, as well as be the basis for the personalized recommendations. The social machine will include a reputation algorithm to quantify user’s reliability and only propose actions from high ranked users. It will also be able to monitor wellness and comfort and alert when some requirements are not being fulfilled.

AETHON is a technology and innovation company focused on projects and products for the transportation system and specializes in the implementation of innovative ideas and development of sustainable solutions for transport and mobility. AETHON will coordinate the execution of the Work Package related to User-centred behaviour & analysis. ATHON’s work will result in the determination of the factors that affect travellers’ choices with respect to route, mode and time of departure choice. AETHON will also work on creating models and algorithms that simulates the choices of travellers considering a new concept of Travel Happiness. AETHON will actively participate in the development of the “My-TRAC application” especially with respect to incorporating the choice models. Furthermore, AETHON will assist in the local coordination of the pilot to be performed in Greece and the generation of the Pilot Execution Plan. Finally, AETHON will participate and assist in the organization of various dissemination tasks

Stratio develops solutions for the transportation industry, incorporating artificial intelligence, improving the efficiency of transport industry players activities. Our role in project has two main goals: 1) Support the creation of data models to be use by understanding data flows and predicting the data that will be exchanged between the different entities of the project. 2) Help on the definition and development of the Travel Companion, based our expertise in mobile apps